Christianity and Politics: Korea versus Kenya

The paper “Christianity and Politics: Korea versus Kenya” contributes to the scholarly literature by process tracing the role of religious leadership in the development of democratization social movements in two post-colonial contexts, Korea and Kenya.

It is the result of an International Research Exchange Agreement signed between SRI and The Catholic University of Korea and was published in The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, which is indexed by Scopus (Elsevier). 

Political Culture and Collective Action: Applying South Korea's Democratization Model to Iran's Green Movement

This paper uses the within-case study analysis methodology called process-tracing to examine socio-political events that underlined these two movements. The analysis showed that both movements shared several conditions that led to the formation of social and political capital, yet Dr. Ko argues that the causal relationships between independent variables revealed two vastly different political cultures.

The paper by Dr. Ko was published by The Korean Journal of Area Studies which is a KCI A listed journal.